I've been terrible at updating this thing lately. But, in all fairness, I am working on my BFA. And that takes a lot out of you. Hopefully, now that midterms are (almost) out of the way, I can start writing here more frequently, and documenting my progress.
Since I don't always have my camera with me, I've been relying on Photo Booth to document my latest endeavors. So here's a recap of the last 8 weeks. I promise I'm not a narcissist. And, yesterday, I photographed a bunch of work for midterm presentations, so expect a better, art-focused update soon. Or not. We'll see how much sleep I want.
I made tons and tons of clover crowns and started making some out of leaves. Is this art? Or just what I do during picnics?
Invested in a thermos. Changed my life. My clothes and my lunch and my hair started to match.
I splurged on a pair of the best boots ever. I've had them for a month already, and there are still no holes!
Brain maps everywhere.
Ordered my first pair of big girl headphones, aka, not $10 earbuds. I've been really into this green lately.
Discovered that in lack of ponytail holders & bobby pins, string works wonders.
Wrote essays on my arm. Everyday.
Dyed some cotton and collected some bark.
Got a studio in the Digital Arts/Animation department with fancy new desks and a window.
Ordered new prescription glasses so I can actually see the art I make.
Realized that even my headphones matched my thermos.
Decorated Megastudio with pictures by my favorite artist. This is an owl on a unicorn's back she drew when she was 3.
This is a picture of an owl perched on my arm she drew this summer, age 5.
And this is both of us from this summer, the night we dyed my hair.
Wove oodles of Bob Dylan bracelets (I'm talking a 724" warp, guys), which also functioned as a scarf when you need to carry them somewhere without them getting tangled. Also, they match my headphones.
Realized that I started matching the art I'm working on. What is with all this color coordination? I just look for clean clothes...
Ps. Who else likes the progression of bags under my eyes?
Look for a real post with real pictures sometime soon. I made things I like.