Friday, July 15, 2011

Some Reasons You Should Buy A Dreamcatcher

1. They're beautiful (if I do say so myself.) 
 2. They have embroidered feathers, which means no risk of germs.
 3. They're all one of a kind.
 4. Their design is unlike any other dreamcatcher.
5. The tradition originated from Native Americans. 
6. (Therefore,) they're American. 
7. They catch your bad dreams. 
8. So you'll sleep a million times better. 
 9. Sleeping better means you can sleep less which means you can stay out later.
10. They're handmade with love.
 11. They're made by me, and from what I hear, I'm a big deal. (Joking.)
 12. You'll be showing your support for handmade and independent artists.
 13. Supporting handmade earns you extra karma points.
14. Jesus would buy handmade. 
15. Your home could use some decoration.
16. I like being able to pay the rent.

(No pressure, or anything.)

But really, they are pretty rad.

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Love, Michaela