Friday, June 17, 2011

This Is Why My Dad Thinks I'm A Hoarder

I prefer to say collecting collections...
Tonight I am starting the most ambitious project of my life: coming up with an organizational system for all my creative supplies...and fitting it all, nicely, in this small bedroom of mine.

Until I have a more permanent home with a decent sized room filled with Ikea shelving units and pegboards and tables, I have to work with what I have. Nicholas I coming to Cleveland next week, and he's going to help me paint my room and make more shelves for me (among other jobs I have lined up for him that involve tools I can't figure out).  So before then, I need to know what I'll want. Which means tonight I'm starting to go through everything. Because besides a few select items, everything I own is used for making things. It doesn't help that my favorite mediums to work with are stop motion animation (animating stuff), collage (cutting and gluing stuff), and everything fibers (sewing, embroidering, silkscreening, dying, felting... stuff). Obviously I accumulate lots of stuff. More so since I'm such a fan of flea markets/garage sales/antique stores/thrift shops/rummage sales/lemonade stands. (Not that lemonade stands fit in with that group, but I do love them.)

So before embarking on this ambitious project of mine (maybe more ambitious than my animation with 720 trees...), I decided to make a playlist of encouraging music, courtesy of Grooveshark. Which I'm sharing here, in case you also could use some motivation. It's not super fancy, and I didn't reorder the songs. I just searched for some of my favorite bands really quick and added them. But so far it's been helping me be productive [at procrastinating].

So... I might be up late tonight.

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Love, Michaela