Wednesday, July 20, 2011


You may remember this animated .gif I made a few weeks ago. Well, on July 3rd (which happens to be mine & Nicholas's anniversary, just saying) LeAnn posted it on her blog.
Right at the top! As rad as this little blog of mine may be (haha, ok, maybe not), it doesn't exactly get a million views a month. So I'm definitely thankful when I get some views and comments and feedback from people, and having my stuff featured elsewhere definitely helps.

And today my dreamcatcher was featured on Sarah's blog with such sweet comments.

AND, because apparently today I'm a huge narcissist, my animation Curiouser was featured on CIA's homepage recently. Which is especially exciting because it has been my goal since starting school here to have my work featured in that little window. Granted, before a thumbnail of this animation was featured on the left announcing an animation-dance-performance-extravaganza night, but I still wanted to make it into the main viewer. And I did!

Alright, since I'm done boasting about myself, which I really don't do too often, I'm gonna switch gears a little bit. Right now, my blog has exactly 0 followers on Bloglovin. And I know I get views, but no subscribers. So I'll make you a deal. If I get 50 followers, however long that takes, I will post a coupon code for my Etsy shop. And if I ever get 100 people to subscribe, which may take awhile, I will hold a giveaway for some things that I made (trust me, I will make it worth your time). So here's what you need to do. Click THIS and subscribe to my blog, then comment on this post and let me know you subscribed (and leave your url if you also have a blog or shop--I'd love to check it out!). That's it. Easy, right? Oh, and you might want to pass the word along to your friends to get the numbers up sooner. Just saying!


  1. Michaela -
    I'm going to drop you an email about how awesome you & your creations are shortly, but just wanted to let you know I'm now subscribing to your blog. You're awesome.
    - Katherine

  2. Katherine, you are so awesome. And thank you for reading my little blog :)


Thanks for reading about some things I made today! Feel free to leave a comment here; I love hearing from you!

Love, Michaela